some inspirational stories for you
mentorship programme
This mentorship programme is principally designed to allocate a suitable mentor to you. We have a wide group of highly experienced, diverse professionals from varying occupational fields, who are kindly working with us to offer their expertise. These fields include, but are not limited to; finance, education, luxury goods, consulting, shipping, marketing, & journalism. These professionals look forward to assisting you, and providing you with relevant guidance through your job search process. Please fill in the following form to be allocated to a mentor, and please contact us if you have any inquiries!
Please note: this programme is completely free of charge!
writing/editing resumes
In addition to the mentorship programme, we hope to offer our support with writing and editing, resumes and cover letters. We also have a wealth of resources to guide you with your application process. Please press the following button to find these materials!
portfolio building/bolstering
A primary component of resumes and CVs is highlighting your diverse range of skillsets. We have collated a list of credible resources for you to enhance and strengthen your profile and skillsets. Please press the following button to find these materials!
Investing in your well-being is a crucial part of this journey to release stress, as well as, improve both physical and mental health. These techniques and resources will help you reduce anxiety, and focus on your journey ahead. You will find a repository of resources that address different areas of your well-being, by pressing the following button.